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Friday, February 19, 2010

Vancouver 2010

As I watch bodies fly into the air and crash on the icy slopes in Whistler during the men's Super G, I contemplate the sheer bravery, discipline and athleticism of these athletes. Of course I get extra excited when I see Canada or Austria do well, but I applaud all of these amazing people who throw themselves into years of bloody hard work to even get to the point of being eligible for the Olympics. As sentimental as it may sound to those of us who are usually a bit cynical, every single athlete who makes the rigorous Olympic qualifications is a champion, and as a member of the same human race I'm proud of them, regardless of country. To be declared a "winner" or "loser" based not on seconds but 1/100 of a second is purely arbitrary. Even the slowest on an Olympic course moves faster down the slopes than I could fall down them. So while I want Canada to be successful--and rightfully proud--of our Games, I am
cheering for every amazing athlete giving his/her all.

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